Posture Screening
Your posture is a window to the spine and provides Dr Epstein with the three-dimensional information needed to help diagnose your spinal situation. Posture Screen Mobile is also used to comparatively measure changes to a patient’s body alignment as a result of spinal corrective/rehabilitative traction. Posture Screen Mobile has been shown to be very reliable in a recent research study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
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Teak iPad and Laptop Stands
Do you have neck pain?
Consistently stretching your neck ligaments for as little as 20 minutes a day in the wrong direction may cause spinal deformity leading to neck pain, headaches, tight shoulders and hunch back (Thoracic Hypokyphosis).
Dr Michael Epstein of Epstein Chiropractors has designed iPad and laptop stands, in teak wood, for both desktop and bed use. They are designed to provide superior posture support whilst working, playing or reading. They are sold online and from the Epstein Chiropractors clinic in St Ives Shopping Village in Northern Sydney.
Teak Laptop Stand. For Desk.
Designed for posture protection.
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